04/01/2021 - Click on the 'Instructions' button for information about features offered by LawSourceLive.com.

04/01/2021 - Be sure to 'whitelist' LawSourceLive.com so you don't miss important status messages!

04/01/2021 - An 'unconfirmed' status is waiting on an action from the defense NOT the court!

04/01/2021 - Be sure to allow popups from www.LawSourceLive.com in your browser if you experience issues with printing!

04/01/2021 - Move your mouse over this area to pause the scrolling.

04/01/2021 - To hide items in your list that never reached a completed status simply open the item and click the Eye Icon on the tool bar!

Company Services

LawSourceLive is committed to providing services to the legal community that are both easy to use and highly efficient. By providing the ability for courts and attorneys to collaborate electronically we save them time, money, phone calls, and help them to be a greener organization.

Our Clients

Over two thousand law firms and courts are registered with LawSourceLive.com. We reliably facilitate the processing of thousands of transactions per month.

The services offered by LawSourceLive to courts are at no cost. Attorneys using the system are charged a minimal transaction fee for the use of the system. There is no registration fee, monthly charges, or ongoing commitment required to use the system.

Company Vision

Practicing law and running a court is complicated enough. Therefore, LawSourceLive’s slogan, "Easy, Secure, and Reliable", isn't just a catch phrase, it is our mandate. We strive every day to make the software and systems we create easy to use, the data secure, and reliably available. Our policy from the first day was to listen to the courts and the attorneys that practice in those courts. Since 2004, LawSourceLive has evolved and improved month after month because of our receptiveness to the input and ideas offered by the clerks, attorneys, prosecutors and judges who use our products. This relationship continues today, and will continue in the future. Our vision for the future is simple: Create, Listen, and Innovate.

Company History

In 2003, two local St. Louis prosecutors said enough is enough. Too much paperwork. Too much waste. Too many stamps. There has to be a better way. So they put their heads together and partnered with one of the top IT solution providers in the area to bring their vision to life. Together, they devised a simple, easy, and secure system to allow defense attorneys to enter their appearance and request recommendations in various courts in and around St. Louis. Unveiled in the fall of 2004, the idea was an instant hit. Over two thousand law firms / courts later, LawSourceLive (formerly known as Municipal Project) is the fastest and easiest way to file pleadings and communicate with the courts and prosecutors.


Welcome to LawSourceLive.com! Many of you know us as "The Municipal Project". As of August 9th 2011 our name has officially changed. While our name may have changed - our mission has not!

LawSourceLive, LLC is a company created solely to make the interaction between courts and attorneys as seamless and effortless as possible.

In the coming months we will be deploying many new features in an effort to enhance  the services we provide to those in the legal community. So, please stay tuned and get ready to see what we've got in store for you!

Go Green

LawSourceLive enables your organization to move to a more paperless environment and to be green!
Contact Us

LawSourceLive, LLC
2977 Hwy K
Suite 244
O'Fallon, MO 63368


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